If you haven’t heard, Microsoft’s investment portfolio manager from MSN Money is being discontinued. At one time MSN Money’s portfolio manager was one of the best portfolio managers out there. If you were a previous user of MSNs portfolio manager and want an alternative, consider EquityStat’s portfolio manager.
EquityStat has many of the same features that MSN Money’s portfolio manager has. You can easily see the value of your entire portfolio as well as the current gain/loss your portfolio. In addition you can see calculations for each individual investment (stock, mutual fund, ETF) such as today’s gain/loss, the percentage gain since you owned the investment, the investment’s realized gain, the stock’s annualized return and many other calculations.
EquityStat also displays all of the transactions for each investment in your portfolio. You can easily add, edit and delete any of these transactions. You can import these transactions into your portfolio by either manually entering them or importing them from a spreadsheet.
MSN money is not being kind to their previous users. Since Microsoft announced the discontinuation, many users have been unable to access their previously entered data. With EquityStat you will never be put in this situation. One of our features is the ability to export each investment’s transactions to a spreadsheet. This way you have a permanent backup for safe keeping.
If you liked MSNs portfolio manager and are disappointed to see it go, checkout EquityStat!