New Features in the Portfolio Manager

We have added a few new features to the portfolio manager.


You can now create multiple portfolios to group your investments from multiple accounts.  For example, you can have a portfolio for your stocks, mutual funds and 401k.  To create a new portfolio click the New menu and then choose the New Portfolio menuitem.  Click here to learn more about portfolios.

New Performance Metrics/Columns

We have added a few new performance metrics – Quarter Return, P/E ratio and Dividend Yield.  To see these columns in your portfolio click the Options menu and then choose the Change Columns menuitem.

Maximize Portfolio

There are times when all the investments in the top portion of your portfolio don’t display.  To see all of your investments you have to scroll around.  We have added the ability to maximize the portfolio so that we display as many investments as we can.   To maximize your portfolio click the three line graphic in the upper left hand corner of your portfolio and choose Maximize from the drop down menu.  The top portion of your portfolio will be expanded and the transaction section will be moved down to accommodate the investments section.  This just gives you a way to make the most of your screen space and display more of your investment data.  To restore your portfolio in panes (the default setting) click the Restore menuitem from the drop down menu.

Do you have any ideas for a new feature? Contact us and let us know.





Importing your transactions into EquityStat

Do you have a lot of transactions that you need to import into EquityStat that you don’t want to manually enter? If so then you can use EquityStat’s import feature to import these transactions.

To import your transactions first get these transactions into a CSV (comma separated variable) file. The easiest way to generate a CSV file is to use Excel or any other spreadsheet application. With Excel you can enter your data into a spreadsheet and then save the file as a CSV file.

The CSV file must be in a certain format for you to import your transactions into your portfolio. The first line in the file must identify what each column is. The following column indentifiers are valid – Symbol, Date, TranType, Quantity, Price, Amount, Commission.

The valid values for the TranType column are Buy, Sell, Div, Rediv (Re-invested Dividend), Longcg (Long-Term Capital Gain), Shortcg (Short-Term Capital Gain), Relongcg (Re-Invest Long Term Capital Gain), Reshortcg (Re-Invest Short Term Capital Gain).

If you have a TranType value of Div then you will need an Amount column and you will not need the Quantity and Price column. If you have a TranType value of something other than a non re-invested dividend or non re-invested capital gain, you will need a Quantity and Price column. All rows must have a Symbol and Date column.

Here is a screen shot of a sample Excel file in the proper format.

Import Transactions into EquityStat's Stock Portfolio Tracker
Import transactions into EquityStat

Once you have your data entered in your spreadsheet, save it as a CSV file.

Next, login to your portfolio and  click the New menu and choose Import Transactions.  Then from the Import page, upload your CSV file from your computer.  The transactions that will be imported will then be displayed.  If everything is correct, continue the import process.

If you have any questions with how to do an import, feel free to contact our support desk by clicking the Help link from our home page.

EquityStat – Who, What and Why?

Who is EquityStat?

EquityStat is a powerful yet easy to use investment portfolio application. It was developed by investors for investors. The old adage “necessity is the mother of invention” was the driving force behind the founding of EquityStat. We found that the existing tools necessary to track, manage and financially evaluate investments were inadequate.

Why EquityStat?

EquityStat wanted a way to track and manage all of our investments in one application from the cloud. As many investors know, your investments are scattered about many brokerages, mutual funds and retirement plans. Our goal was to create an application where investors could manage all of their investments in a single location. In addition we wanted to be able to access investments from any computer or device. Whether at home, work or at the accountant’s office, we wanted to be able to access our investment portfolio.

What is EquityStat?

  • Manage all of your Financial InvestmentsHandles all of your stock, bond, ETF and mutual fund investments from all of your brokerages
  • Track the Performance of your InvestmentsAnalyze your individual investments and your overall portfolio
  • Generate Tax ReportsSupports IRS tax reporting requirements
  • View your Investment Portfolio on all of your DevicesWeb based portfolio management tool that you can view on any computer or tablet